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Can Sytist Run On A Server Using Mariadb?

107 posts
Tue May 03, 22 11:52 PM CST
Hi Tim,

We might be moving to a new host, it uses MariaDB not mySQL and I was wondering if that would be compatible with Sytist, and PhotoCart as well, for that matter.


16,706 posts (admin)
Wed May 04, 22 8:17 AM CST
No. It has to be a MySQL database.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
40 posts
Tue May 10, 22 10:22 AM CST
@Craig -- MariaDB uses the same syntax and language backend as MySQL and is actually now the default open source option for MySQL after the acquisition of "MySQL" by Oracle. I use MariaDB on all my new servers without any issues and is backward compatible with MySQL.
40 posts
Wed Oct 09, 24 2:24 PM CST

Figured it would be better to reply to a post about this topic than make a new one. 

I'm looking at moving my Sytist server db that we self-host locally to another device. The hardware in question does not support MySQL, but it supports MariaDB. I don't know if any requirements for Sytist have changed since 2022, but I saw a few people note they were running some version of Maria. There was no mention that they should not be doing that. I'm guessing it's an "at your own risk" situation, but I should be fine in theory, correct? 

40 posts
Wed Oct 09, 24 3:35 PM CST

essentially mariadb has become the successor to MySQL. MySQL transitioned to paid versions and then the open source community created mariadb.  Transitioning your data should be very simple. 

mysqldump -u root -pPassword database > /tmp/database.sql

new server:

mysql -u root -pPassword
create database database

mysql -u root -pPassword database < /tmp/database.sql

16,706 posts (admin)
Thu Oct 10, 24 4:48 AM CST

I was wrong in my previous post.

Mariadb is fine and actually performs a little better than MySQL in my experience. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
40 posts
Thu Oct 10, 24 8:10 AM CST

Thanks Tim and Thomas for the feedback. This is great to hear!

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