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Stats On Status
Darrell Jones
134 posts
Sun Nov 28, 21 4:13 PM CST
Hi Tim, I love the stats I can pull from a gallery. Is there anyway we could pull stats from orders we have filed into a status? For instance we put a gallery up each year of premiership posters. There may be 24 individual premiers across 15 clubs. We sort the posters into club statuses - it would be great to be able to pull info from those status groupings down the side.
Tim -
16,923 posts
Mon Nov 29, 21 3:58 AM CST
Just click the status name in the left menu of the Orders section.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
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Darrell Jones
134 posts
Fri Jul 15, 22 7:32 AM CST
That shows me the individual sales? Is there a way I can see the total sales from that status or am I best to do an order export?
Tim -
16,923 posts
Sun Jul 17, 22 7:43 AM CST
There isn't a way to see total sales from your order statuses.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
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