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Double Accounts

308 posts
Tue Oct 27, 20 11:54 AM CST
Hey Tim,
Any idea what may be going on here, and if there is a way to combine the 2 since they both have different orders on the accounts. Thanks!
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308 posts
Tue Oct 27, 20 12:22 PM CST
As a follow up, it looks like the customer accidently entered his zipcode as the email address. When I edit the account there are now two accounts with the same name email and phone number. Is there any way to merge them? Thank you!
16,922 posts (admin)
Wed Oct 28, 20 5:19 AM CST
There is not a way to merge the 2 accounts.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
301 posts
Wed Oct 28, 20 6:14 AM CST
Although there is not a simple way to merge accounts you can go into the database and change that order to the Customer I.D. you want it to be attached too and then delete that account you do not want.
Edited Wed Oct 28, 20 6:15 AM by Vance Birno
308 posts
Wed Oct 28, 20 9:28 AM CST
Hey Vance,
Is that pretty straight forward? What File would I need to access in the file manager? Thanks
301 posts
Wed Oct 28, 20 4:45 PM CST
Hi Joey, yes it is pretty simple first you will need the customer id# and order number, then from your cpanel in your hosting account goto MyphpAdmin select the sytist database if you have others. Then look for Ms_orders (Page 2) and click it, find your order number you want to change next scroll a bit to the right its a few columns over(about half way) and find order_customer change that to the customer ID you want. hit enter,it will give you a warning, ok it. That's it, the order should now appear in the account you wanted and you may delete the incorrect account. There is a query you can do which is a bit faster but i have misplaced that info. so this is the next eaysist step. see photos
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27 posts
Thu Jan 18, 24 10:37 PM CST
Vance Birno wrote:
Hi Joey, yes it is pretty simple first you will need the customer id# and order number, then from your cpanel in your hosting account goto MyphpAdmin select the sytist database if you have others. Then look for Ms_orders (Page 2) and click it, find your order number you want to change next scroll a bit to the right its a few columns over(about half way) and find order_customer change that to the customer ID you want. hit enter,it will give you a warning, ok it. That's it, the order should now appear in the account you wanted and you may delete the incorrect account. There is a query you can do which is a bit faster but i have misplaced that info. so this is the next eaysist step. see photos

This was extremely helpful...thank you very much for such great detail to your instructions!

Lori Seals - Lori A. Seals Photography
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