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Billboard To Adjust To Screen Size
Romeo Giovani
3 posts
Thu Jan 23, 20 5:17 AM CST
How do I get the billboard to shrink for mobile devices and not stay too large for the screen? everything else adjusts except the billboards. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Tim -
16,923 posts
Fri Jan 24, 20 4:48 AM CST
The billboards in the page designer have either a fixed pixel height or view height (percentage of the height of the screen) so they don't keep the same ratio.
If you add a billboard to the page from Design -> Billboards, those are different and will scale down.
If you add a billboard to the page from Design -> Billboards, those are different and will scale down.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
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David Coxsell
149 posts
Sat Feb 08, 20 9:28 AM CST
Hi Romeo,
Please take a look at my site and if the way I have my billboard headers is what your wishing to achieve let me know and I’ll share the custom css code.
Please take a look at my site and if the way I have my billboard headers is what your wishing to achieve let me know and I’ll share the custom css code.
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