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John Rumball
75 posts
Mon Oct 28, 19 6:16 AM CST
I have been using on my old site (pre-systist) and am now trying to set it up under Sytist.
Statcounter provides html code and that I supposed to paste into each page's html before the closing body tag. This sounds cumbersome.
Is there an easier way to do this in Sytist? Is there some place in Sytist I can paste this code so it appears in all my pages?
Please advise.
Statcounter provides html code and that I supposed to paste into each page's html before the closing body tag. This sounds cumbersome.
Is there an easier way to do this in Sytist? Is there some place in Sytist I can paste this code so it appears in all my pages?
Please advise.
Vance Birno
301 posts
Mon Oct 28, 19 7:03 AM CST
No real need for statcounter, sytist tracks everything on it's own. Hits, logins, carts, pages visited, everything. But you could click on the page you want to edit then scroll down to embed video or code, this is just one place to do it in.
Edited Mon Oct 28, 19 7:06 AM by Vance Birno
Tim -
16,922 posts
Mon Oct 28, 19 10:24 AM CST
There is already visitor stats in Sytist.
But you would need to go to Design -> Header & Footer. Change the text editor to plain text (option on that page) then paste the code into the footer.
But you would need to go to Design -> Header & Footer. Change the text editor to plain text (option on that page) then paste the code into the footer.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
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John Rumball
75 posts
Mon Oct 28, 19 10:37 AM CST
Thanks guys... will give that a shot!
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