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Sub Categories Without Preview Image
Eoin Ruairi O'Brolcháin
61 posts
Fri Oct 18, 19 8:03 AM CST
In my blog section, I wish to have different categories for different topic streams. so I have created categories. However, when they display, there is a blank preview image. I know I can upload an image but how can I list the category without an image?
Eoin Ruairí
In my blog section, I wish to have different categories for different topic streams. so I have created categories. However, when they display, there is a blank preview image. I know I can upload an image but how can I list the category without an image?
Eoin Ruairí
Tim -
16,922 posts
Fri Oct 18, 19 10:41 AM CST
Eoin Ruairi O'Brolcháin
61 posts
Fri Oct 18, 19 10:42 AM CST
Thank you Tim
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