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43 posts
Mon Feb 25, 19 3:20 PM CST
Is there a way to integrate sales information into quickbooks?
16,947 posts (admin)
Tue Feb 26, 19 5:04 AM CST
No integration, but you can export orders in the Reports section and from the Orders list.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
61 posts
Sun Mar 23, 25 3:46 PM CST
Tim - wrote:
No integration, but you can export orders in the Reports section and from the Orders list.

Will there ever be QB integration? It's a popular method.

Is there a way to create a Zapier conduit between Sytist and QB?

Thanks, Tim.


61 posts
Sun Mar 23, 25 11:14 PM CST

Not sure if this helps, but we linked our payment processor into QBO so we're able to process transactions that way. 

But we don't use QBO for much other than literal accounting, and track sales and orders by job within Sytist.

16,947 posts (admin)
Mon Mar 24, 25 5:01 AM CST
Tom Duggan wrote:

Will there ever be QB integration? It's a popular method.

Is there a way to create a Zapier conduit between Sytist and QB?

Thanks, Tim.


Not something on my radar at this time.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
61 posts
Mon Mar 24, 25 9:45 AM CST
Kate Lambley wrote:

Not sure if this helps, but we linked our payment processor into QBO so we're able to process transactions that way. 

But we don't use QBO for much other than literal accounting, and track sales and orders by job within Sytist.

You're right. ;) I'm not looking to connect a payment processor to QB. I'm looking to connect Sytist to QB.

I had a system that synced all transactions (cash, check, PP, Ven, Chase, Zelle, etc.) and estimates(among many other data items) to QB and vice versa. I'm only using Sytist now, but I would like to see some sort of interface that performs similarly.

Has this been requested before, Tim?

I can make a formal request. LOL 


P.S. I know of the thread from a few years ago where you suggested exporting Orders from the Report section. I will investigate this, but it would still be nice to have a seamless integration. ;)

6 total messages
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