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Shipping Selection During Checkout

285 posts
Wed Jan 23, 19 11:43 AM CST
Hi Tim,

When people checkout online, during the first step they are asked to put in their billing and shipping info, with a check box saying "ship to billing address". Regardless if they have checked the box and put in their shipping info, on the very next page titled "shipping" it then asks them how they would like to receive their order (we have three options: ship to home, deliver to school, pick up at studio). If they select anything other than the home shipping, it overrides what they selected on the first page (home shipping) and has it be set to either school deliver or studio pick up. Is there a way for it to be when they select home shipping on the first page, it just tells them the shipping total on the next page without asking them again how they want their order sent? We have had clients that have been confused as a result of this discrepancy.

Thank you!
16,564 posts (admin)
Wed Jan 23, 19 12:22 PM CST
The "Shipping address" is if they want it shipped to an address other than their billing address. It has nothing to do with the shipping options.

The shipping options are in the second step where they can select from the available shipping options.

There is not an option to select a shipping option where they are entering in their billing and shipping addresses. Selecting the actual shipping method is in the second step.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
44 posts
Thu Jul 18, 24 12:01 PM CST

Hopefully bringing this back to the top.

The other problem we are experiencing is that customers call us asking why they can't pick up at studio (since they have to enter a Shipping Address before they get to the Shipping Options.)

Would be great that if they select their option first, and if it's Pick Up At Studio or Drop Off At School (or some other non-shipping option) they didn't have to fill out a shipping address. It's not even the time to fill it out - they can just check same as billing address. The problem is that people aren't sure what to do since they want to pick it up.

392 posts
Fri Jul 19, 24 3:06 AM CST

I agree. 

Not logical that address request is made at step 1 before delivery method request at step 2. 

Doesn't matter how I word the address input fields, many people still add their home address unnecessarily - data I don't want or need.  

Probably caused by browser autofill.

Attached Photos

Edited Fri Jul 19, 24 1:24 PM by Trailboy
4 total messages
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