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'replace' Ordered Download Photos In Bulk?

15 posts
Wed Oct 17, 18 6:40 PM CST
Maybe I'm missing it, but is there any way to bulk-replace photos for a digital product order? ie: when someone has ordered an image for download and you need to replace it with a high-res version before they download their order.

It's not a problem when someone only orders a few images, but gets very tedious when you have to upload 30 or 40 photos, one at a time.

If not currently possible, can I please make this a feature request. Even if it's something like a list/table that pops up and you have to manually select a file for each image you want to replace from the order, but then can just click 'upload' once and it replaces all of them.
Edited Wed Oct 17, 18 6:41 PM by Jamie Benaud
16,823 posts (admin)
Thu Oct 18, 18 4:31 AM CST
Yes, just go to the gallery they ordered the photos from and upload them there.

And in the upload window, check the option "Replace photos with the same file name" and be sure discard original file is not checked.

You can still check the option to watermark the files. The downloads won't be watermarked.

Then after you upload them, view the order and go into the Manage Photos tab and there is a link for "Allow all photos to be downloaded now".
Tim Grissett, DIA -
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15 posts
Thu Oct 18, 18 4:57 AM CST
Hi Tim,

Thanks, but will that replace those images permanently on the server into the future then? As I'd rather not do that due to space issues, which was the reason not to upload the 18MP+ versions in the first place. I'm assuming due to the wording "replace for this order only", that when I upload high res versions from an order page, that they are discarded some time after downloading?
16,823 posts (admin)
Thu Oct 18, 18 5:22 AM CST
Yes they will stay on the server until you delete the gallery. The replace photos for this order only also stay on the server and don't delete after the customer has downloaded them.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
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133 posts
Wed Jul 27, 22 4:15 AM CST
Hi Tim,

I'm unable to replace photos in sub-galleries in batch. I've checked the option "Replace photos with the same file name" and "discard original file is" not checked. The photos are appended to the gallery instead of being exchanged. The file-names are correct, meaning the gallery has each file-name twice now.

"Select Photos to upload" and upload from PC rather than "Select from FTP-Upload (Process)" for each sub-gallery. In that case, everything is fine.

Is there a known issue? I'd really like to use "upload folders to create sub-galleries" in order to bulk-upload all photos to be exchanged to the (existing!) sub-galleries. How to do this?


Edited Wed Jul 27, 22 4:15 AM by Lucas H.
16,823 posts (admin)
Wed Jul 27, 22 7:44 AM CST
You don't have to upload folders for sub galleries when replacing photos. You just upload them all to the main gallery and it will replace them in the sub galleries.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
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20 posts
Thu May 30, 24 1:54 PM CST
Tim - wrote:
Yes, just go to the gallery they ordered the photos from and upload them there. And in the upload window, check the option "Replace photos with the same file name" and be sure discard original file is not checked. You can still check the option to watermark the files. The downloads won't be watermarked. Then after you upload them, view the order and go into the Manage Photos tab and there is a link for "Allow all photos to be downloaded now".

Hi Tim,

I've tried this with a QR-Code gallery but the original passcode from the picture will be overwritten even with option "Replace photos with the same file name"". Or do we need to upload the QR code picture again?

16,823 posts (admin)
Fri May 31, 24 4:37 AM CST

I had not considered that situation. As it is now, yes, it will overwrite the passcode. I've made a note of it. 

But what you can do in the mean time is if you are uploading photos to replace in  the QR passcode gallery, check the option " Do not capture Title, Caption & Keywords from IPTC data" and it won't delete the photo passcode. 

Attached Photos

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
20 posts
Mon Jun 03, 24 12:55 AM CST

Thank you Tim that worked! 

Context: I‘m preparing a QR-Code gallery with 10-15 pictures per customer (unprocessed but watermarked). Once the customer ordered  I need to upload the processed images for customers download. For that I’m using the export filename function to filter the relevant pictures in windows explorer for bulk upload. But even after ordering the QR-Code should be valid in case that the customer wants to order again or sometimes separate living parents ordering twice. 

Edited Mon Jun 03, 24 12:56 AM by Isabel Doil
This reply was deleted.
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