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Watermarks Not Appearing On Uploaded Images
michele noma
31 posts
Mon Aug 13, 18 10:43 AM CST
Hi Tim, I am currently working in a test gallery. I have uploaded the test images via FileZilla as well as via the Uploader available through the admin console. I have verified that in both instances that "Watermark Photos" was checked in each instance. The watermark does not show when I open the gallery to view. It also does not show when I am viewing as if I am in the store. ]Is there another area of my Sytist that I should be checking to enable watermarking when uploading?
Tim -
16,922 posts
Mon Aug 13, 18 12:29 PM CST
With the watermarking checked, be sure there is also a watermark file selected.
Also if you photos are light / high key, it may just be really faint to see.
And you can also select the default watermark in Settings -> Watermarking.
Also if you photos are light / high key, it may just be really faint to see.
And you can also select the default watermark in Settings -> Watermarking.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
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