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Visitor Stats Not Working
Jessica Hamlin
9 posts
Wed Jul 11, 18 6:04 PM CST
I had to reinstall Sytist after a server failure and ever since visitor stats are not logged at all. How can this be fixed? Thanks!
Tim -
16,923 posts
Thu Jul 12, 18 9:19 AM CST
Have you tried visiting the site with another browser? Any error messages? I can't think of any reason for them to not be logging.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
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Jessica Hamlin
9 posts
Thu Jul 12, 18 12:43 PM CST
Yes, just tried another browser...still not showing any visitor stats.
Tim -
16,923 posts
Thu Jul 12, 18 1:17 PM CST
It is something to do with your hosting, server, or hosting company. You will need to EMAIL me the following info so I can look into it:
The link to your Sytist admin
Your Sytist admin username and password.
Your FTP or Hosting Username and password
The link to your Sytist admin
Your Sytist admin username and password.
Your FTP or Hosting Username and password
Tim Grissett, DIA -
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Nuby DeLeon
4 posts
Tue May 18, 21 10:11 PM CST
I just noticed my Visitor Stats stopped updating ever since I switched to another domain name on the same hosting company. It has not shown any recent activities even though clients have definitely visited the gallery a few times. I thought maybe because I had a 4+ year old install so I paid for the upgrade but still the same issue.
Tim -
16,923 posts
Wed May 19, 21 10:10 AM CST
You are either missing the sy-vstats.php file from the main folder Sytist is installation in which you would need to re-upload from the installation files or the ms_stats_visitors table is crash in the database and need to be repair from your hosting control panel.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
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Nuby DeLeon
4 posts
Wed May 19, 21 10:56 AM CST
The sy-vstats.php is in the main folder. I repaired the ms_stats_site_visitors table as well as the other tables that start with ms_stats just to make sure using phpmyadmin in my hosting panel. I tried visiting the site from my cell phone but it didn't show up as a site visit. Is there anything else I might have missed when I switched the install to a different domain? Could it be looking for stats in my non-existing old domain?
Tim -
16,923 posts
Wed May 19, 21 10:58 AM CST
You can email me the following for me to look into it:
1) Link to your Sytist admin.
2) The admin username and password (or create me an admin account by clicking Admins in the upper right corner of the admin pages).
1) Link to your Sytist admin.
2) The admin username and password (or create me an admin account by clicking Admins in the upper right corner of the admin pages).
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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