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Billboard Height
michael milner
283 posts
Thu May 03, 18 9:07 PM CST
if I use the full screen option, the small nav buttons are below the bottom of the screen. I don't have the billboard behind the header. How do I adjust the full screen height to subtract the header height?
header is 80px. I need to subtract that from the 100%VH
thanks for your help
header is 80px. I need to subtract that from the 100%VH
thanks for your help
michael milner
283 posts
Thu May 03, 18 9:34 PM CST
this is what I came up with
#neatbbslides {height: calc(100VH - 80px) !important;}
is that correct?
#neatbbslides {height: calc(100VH - 80px) !important;}
is that correct?
Tim -
16,923 posts
Fri May 04, 18 8:49 AM CST
That should do it.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
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