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Billboard Text Alignment
Michael Leenheer
535 posts
Mon Jan 08, 18 11:56 PM CST
Hello Tim,
On the attached image you can see my issue. In short, the billboard text does not stay where I put it!
You can see that in the editor I've had to shift the placement of the text because the final output shifts all the text upwards. I can't seem to place the text where I want it, especially right along the bottom. Resizing the window doesn't really fix this so ... what's happening?
On the attached image you can see my issue. In short, the billboard text does not stay where I put it!
You can see that in the editor I've had to shift the placement of the text because the final output shifts all the text upwards. I can't seem to place the text where I want it, especially right along the bottom. Resizing the window doesn't really fix this so ... what's happening?
Attached Photos
Michael Leenheer || My Sytist:
Tim -
16,923 posts
Tue Jan 09, 18 11:22 AM CST
It is caused by this CSS code you have added to the additional CSS section of your theme
p,div { line-height: 18pt;}
You may want to try something like
#pageContentContainer p, #pageContentContainer div { line-height: 18pt;}
p,div { line-height: 18pt;}
You may want to try something like
#pageContentContainer p, #pageContentContainer div { line-height: 18pt;}
Edited Tue Jan 09, 18 11:22 AM by Tim -
Tim Grissett, DIA -
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Michael Leenheer
535 posts
Wed Jan 10, 18 12:03 PM CST
Thanks Tim! Will give that a shot.
Michael Leenheer || My Sytist:
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