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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common Issues | Feature Requests
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Google Otimization
Rose Sood
94 posts
Sun Sep 17, 17 7:36 PM CST
Is there an option to add alt tags to billboards or the photos within the billboards
Tim -
16,923 posts
Mon Sep 18, 17 6:53 AM CST
The billboard photos currently don't have alt tags and not an option to add them. I will make a note of it.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
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M Davis
330 posts
Mon Sep 18, 17 12:10 PM CST
Sytist is awesome software. I have fullly tested Sytist to Google SEO standards. Sytist exceeds all of those standards but for the lack of ALT tagging the Billboard images. Having abilty to ALT Tag the Billboard images is the single most pressing issue that would bring Sytist to essentially 100% related to Google SEO compliance.
M Davis
Zuzana List
11 posts
Fri Jan 26, 18 4:37 AM CST
How can I add alt tags to my photos? Is it a Title, Captions or Tags in Photo? I am confused...
Tim -
16,923 posts
Sun Jan 28, 18 4:57 AM CST
Alt tags are automatically added to photos in galleries. If you add photos using the page designer, there is an option for alt tags but they are automatically added using the file name.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
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