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Billboard Underneath Page Heading And Page Content

45 posts
Fri Jan 15, 16 5:15 AM CST
Hello everyone, and thank you for your time responding.

I am re-doing my website (again!) and I am wanting to place the billboard underneath the page heading and content. Is this possible and how would I go about it?
Basically I am wanting to have the page heading, some information about my volunteer work then showcase a few images in the billboard because I want the text to be seen first. I originally had uploaded the images to the page itself but I found the photo display settings no longer suits my website design and wanted to keep all image display as billboard to have it all uniform.

For reference this is the page:
16,915 posts (admin)
Sat Jan 16, 16 8:14 AM CST
There is not a way to have the billboard under the page text. Did you try a slideshow in the photo display settings?
Edited Sat Jan 16, 16 8:14 AM by Tim -
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
45 posts
Sat Jan 16, 16 7:36 PM CST
Oh my goodness of course! Thanks Tim I totally forgot about the slideshow setting, I think it is actually better for my website than the billboards as I prefer the next/previous buttons over the numbered slides.
Working late at night once again.
13 posts
Fri Sep 22, 17 7:23 AM CST
Is there a way to put a slideshow in the 2 or 3 column layout using the div code instead of an image?
16,915 posts (admin)
Sat Sep 23, 17 6:08 AM CST
You will have to create a new page layout then select it for the pages you want to do this with.

Go to Design -> Page Display & Content Listing Layouts

Create a new Page Layout.

Give it a name so you know which it is and copy and paste the code below into the HTML section and save.

Then edit the page you want to display with this, click the "more options" link, scroll download to Page Display Layout and select the layout you created.

The code:

<div id="standardPage">
<div class="title"><h1><?php pageTitle(); ?></h1></div>
<div class="left p50 nofloatsmall">
<div style="padding: 16px;">
<?php pagePhotos(); ?>
<div class="left p50 nofloatsmall">
<div style="padding: 16px;">
<?php pageText(); ?></div>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="share"><?php socialShare();?></div>
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
13 posts
Sat Sep 23, 17 11:00 AM CST
It's PERFECT!!! Thanks :)
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Category: Billboards
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