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Sytist Update 0.8.4 Now Available

16,785 posts (admin)
Mon Feb 23, 15 11:09 AM CST
complete change log | How to upgrade

A new update is available with quit a long list of things. Some of the notable ones:

Export order information on sales reports

Added Worldpay payment option

Mobile Header

Logging of social shares and new page share icons.

After this update a new update process that takes less than a minute.

Click here to view the entire list of changes and fixes..

If you have any issues or comments on this update, please post them here.

complete change log | How to upgrade
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
247 posts
Mon Feb 23, 15 12:17 PM CST
WOW Tim...Great job!

So many requests honored so quickly.

43 posts
Mon Feb 23, 15 2:42 PM CST
Looks good... am working at getting the upgrade loaded.

I didn't see anything that pertained... is this still a possible future feature?

16,785 posts (admin)
Mon Feb 23, 15 3:18 PM CST
Possibly in the future. But something I did think of is create a product at 0.00 then create a new Option and make that a drop down option and required and enter in possible prices they may select.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
43 posts
Mon Feb 23, 15 6:03 PM CST
Got it installed!

re: my request, as like going to the grocery store, seldom is the bill the same as any other time. :-) Seriously, there are so many different fees/services/items that clients could opt for, listing every single dollar amount is unrealistic.

It's not all about 8x10s, shipping costs and session fees. Example: I'm about to take payment for FedEx shipping of negs to/from my lab for scanning. Then a fee for some PhotoShop work to the two resulting scans. Then add in the two 11X14 prints and the FedEx to the client.

I hope you might be able to make a 'client selected fee' possible at some point. Thanks again for the consideration and great tool.
247 posts
Mon Feb 23, 15 8:19 PM CST
Perhaps you can simply add an item of $1 and allow customers to select the appropriate quantity to reach their total?

43 posts
Mon Feb 23, 15 9:48 PM CST
Hi Richard, that is sorta what I'm doing now and it's kludgy, IMO. I have set up an item that is valued at $100, so if the client has an order total of $369.47, they would have to enter 3.6947. One client since December has remarked about this approach. LOL

Maybe because everything else with the interface is so nice, this just is out of place.
247 posts
Mon Feb 23, 15 9:58 PM CST
I guess I don't completely understand.

I can see how someone having to divide by 100 could be messy, but if the item was one dollar they would then enter 369.47...that involves no math skills and seems pretty clean and simple to me.

At least in the short term.

Oh well, I thought I give it a shot...good luck!
43 posts
Mon Feb 23, 15 10:09 PM CST
Maybe it's me that didn't understand! I think you might be on to something. :-)

Thanks, Richard!
247 posts
Mon Feb 23, 15 10:25 PM CST
My pleasure...hope it works out for you because I plan to use it too!
34 posts
Tue Feb 24, 15 9:04 AM CST
Just updated thanks!!

However, I have noticed that there is a "Loading more page" message and bar running constantly to the left just above the footer section on my homepage. I am pretty sure it wasn't there before.


16,785 posts (admin)
Tue Feb 24, 15 9:26 AM CST
Sounds like you missed the last step:

Last, you must edit your theme (top menu > Site Design > Edit My Theme) and then click "Save Changes" after you upgrade to apply any new CSS from the upgrade.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
34 posts
Tue Feb 24, 15 9:46 AM CST
Spot on Tim, I thought I had...but obviously not, all good now - Thanks again
21 posts
Thu Feb 26, 15 3:06 PM CST

Thanks for the update.

Would it be possible to get a downloadable report from the STAT tab on the individual pages. What I am looking for is to be able to download the order detail by page and have the order detail include the details of the products ordered (not just the payment detail).

Also could we get a contact phone # on the checkout screen.


20 posts
Thu Feb 26, 15 5:46 PM CST
I did the upgrade, but on my admin it still says 7.9. Any clue what I'm doing wrong?


16,785 posts (admin)
Fri Feb 27, 15 9:11 AM CST
Also could we get a contact phone # on the checkout screen.

Go to Settings -> New Account Requirements and you can enable phone number.

I did the upgrade, but on my admin it still says 7.9. Any clue what I'm doing wrong?

You must not have upload the files into the correct place or you admin folder is named something other that sy-admin
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
15 posts
Wed Mar 11, 15 5:33 PM CST
Hi Tim,


A question: How can I set the icons next to each other??
Attached Photos

16,785 posts (admin)
Thu Mar 12, 15 6:55 AM CST
You need to edit your theme and save in order to apply the new CSS.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
15 posts
Thu Mar 12, 15 7:03 AM CST
I tried, but don't found the section where I can edit...
16,785 posts (admin)
Thu Mar 12, 15 7:12 AM CST
Main Menu: Site Design -> Edit My Theme. In the theme editor just click "Save Changes".
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
15 posts
Thu Mar 12, 15 7:16 AM CST
Thx Tim - it worked!
21 total messages
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