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Misc Charge - Client Input

43 posts
Mon Jan 12, 15 2:39 PM CST
I would like a client to have the ability to input the fee which will be charged against their provided CC when they complete the transaction. Example: Client wants to purchase something that is not listed online and is never the same dollar amount as is with other clients.

Am I missing this option? Thanks!
16,785 posts (admin)
Tue Jan 13, 15 7:56 AM CST
The only way I can think of doing this is to create a Store item for each amount. Then they can select the amount to purchase.

What might be the best thing to do is create them an invoice in the admin and send it to them.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
43 posts
Tue Jan 13, 15 11:02 AM CST
This ability would be a very handy feature to consider. It is not unusual for a past client to pop up out of the blue and decide that they want to obtain either image files, prints or some other product.

Last Friday a client from 2006 emails and asks about purchasing 'some pics'. They have a disk of images from the event, so selection is not the problem. Another past client wants the entire file set of high res files from their 2008 wedding with specific artwork applied to several images.

In both cases, the dollar amount due can vary greatly which makes creating new store item each time a bit challenging. The invoice approach will have to do. Thanks for that suggestion, I hadn't considered that option.

In my dreams, I would like to be able to send a link to inquiring clients where they can enter their credit card info and charge whatever figure that was quoted to them by the studio or in the case of someone on a shopping spree (the client wanting 'some pics') can charge whatever they desire when the mood strikes them.

Thanks for listening.
225 posts
Thu Sep 29, 16 12:31 PM CST
this would be SUCH an amazing feature. I had a shopping cart that allowed this to happen. The client inputted their invoice amount due, and then they could pay their wedding fee.

I miss the feature so much!
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Category: Payment Options
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