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Offer Free Shipping

332 posts
Fri Aug 22, 14 1:01 PM CST
Is it possible to offer a gallery of printed images and turn off shipping charges?

265 posts
Fri Aug 22, 14 1:42 PM CST
What I did was have it so they could select Shipping and have the shipping cost $0.00

If you turn off shipping altogether, it won't let people order.

As my selections I have 4x6 Free Shipping. Then when they get to the shipping area, it puts the shipping in as $0.

I had to do this because with price increment shipping on my orders, if someone ordered a large amount of digital images, and then one print, they would get charged a TON of shipping when only one thing needed to be sent. So, I increased my price for printing and eliminated shipping charges.
16,923 posts (admin)
Fri Aug 22, 14 2:06 PM CST
The products would have to be marked as Do no calculate shipping or if a collection or buy all, shippable not selected.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
332 posts
Fri Aug 22, 14 2:21 PM CST
Any plans for making an entire gallery with the ability to remove shipping option? Instead of creating a second set of identical products marked that way? I would like to turn this option on and off , as to offer free shipping prior to a certain date.

Also Can I duplicate a price list to start from there?

Edited Fri Aug 22, 14 2:27 PM by andrew bershaw
16,923 posts (admin)
Fri Aug 22, 14 3:05 PM CST
Maybe at some point, I will make a note of it.

Not an option to duplicate a price list.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
332 posts
Fri Aug 22, 14 3:24 PM CST
Thanks it would be real helpful with a single on off radio dial, having duplicate options with no selection for shipping is cumbersome.

205 posts
Mon Aug 25, 14 9:11 AM CST
Agree it would be a great feature to turn on and off per gallery!
60 posts
Thu Jan 01, 15 5:45 PM CST
Or just the ability to create a "Free Shipping" coupon code. That way it can be controlled with the code and an expiration date...all other orders would continue to charge shipping.
16,923 posts (admin)
Fri Jan 02, 15 8:30 AM CST
In one of the last updates you can now offer free or no shipping on certain galleries by creating Shipping Groups and selecting those for those galleries.

You can create different shipping groups that can have different shipping options within them and assign a group to a page / gallery. When a shipping group is selected for a page, it will override your default shipping group when the customer checks out. If you create a shipping group with no shipping options then it will disable shipping for the selected page.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
39 posts
Thu Apr 16, 15 2:25 PM CST
NOTE/BUG? I created a shipping group, unchecked some states, added to cart, headed to checkout - now the unchecked states are no longer allowed for selection as BILLING Address - this should really be separate from the shipping address function.
8 posts
Fri Oct 04, 24 2:49 PM CST

I need help with this. I don't understand where to go to turn off shipping? almost everyone is checking out with no shipping but a few have had to pay shipping and I am not shipping them so I need this turned off

16,923 posts (admin)
Mon Oct 07, 24 5:07 AM CST

Settings - Shipping

Create new shipping group button and create a new shipping group. 

After it is created, add a shipping method to it. Name  it Pick up or whatever you want.

Check the option "This option is for a pick up or no shipping address needed"

Then go to your gallery and click the Shipping Group option and select that shipping group you created. 

Attached Photos

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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