If your Photo Cart is suddenly getting a 500 error or only displaying a blank page then you or your hosting company has updated the PHP (programming language) to PHP 7 which Photo Cart is not compatible with (and will not be compatible with) mainly because of the removal of the my_sql functions which are replaced with my_sqli functions.
You would need to have the PHP version downgraded to 5.6 in order for Photo Cart to work. If downgrading the PHP doesn't work then you may have to update Photo Cart to the last version of 7. Download Photo Cart 7 upgrade files. Upgrade instructions.
Photo Cart was retired in 2015. Check out Sytist.
Security Patch For Photo Cart - 2018
A cookie that keeps a customer logged when they revisit the site could possibly be modified which may give another user the opportunity to access another customer account.
This security issue will not give someone access to any payment or credit card details because that information is not saved in the data. It also does not effect admin access.
Download the zip file below for the version of Photo Cart you are using to your computer and unzip it.
Upload the included files (pc_head.php, pc_login.php, pc_login_page.php) into your Photo Cart folder (whatever the name of that folder is) on your website overwriting the existing ones.
You can upload these files either with the File Manager in your hosting control panel or with your FTP program.
Photo Cart 7 Files:
Photo Cart 6 Files:
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Download this zip file:
Unzip it and upload the included file it into your photocart -> pc_inc folder.
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I got an email about this from Brian, have had Photocart 4.1 and went ahead and upgraded to 7.1 with the patch installed. Everything seemed to go fine in the admin, but when I go to look at a gallery or the homepage, I just get a blank screen. Any idea what might be causing this?
My Photocart is here:
I did adjust the page width, which was causing an error message in the admin Customize Theme page, put it at 95% as it was just showing a number without "px" or a "%". That was the only thing I can find that is looking like a problem in the Admin.
Update Edit: I saw another post in this forum describing the problem I'm experiencing. However, that post indicated it was an issue with the older Photocart versions and new PHP versions, and the solution was upgrading to Photocart 7.1, which is what I did that seemed to cause the problem. (Just for reference, the PHP version for my website is 4.4.9) Could this still be a PHP version issue?
Kristi see my post about for the download of the
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The error means you are missing a file.
Download this zip file:
Unzip it and upload the included file it into your photocart -> pc_inc folder.
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Thank you
Thank you for your help. I just called my host company and they said I had to upgrade my account to get the PHP updated. Funny thing is, the new account is less expensive than the account I had! I've had my account so long I was paying older prices that were more expensive I guess...
Anyway, hope to get the upgrade completed and get everything transferred over this evening. They said I can upgrade all the way to PHP 7.1 with this new account, so I guess that will allow me any future updates if I want to move to Stylus in the future perhaps?
Thanks again, I'm very appreciative of all that you and your friends have done with this software, you guys are the best!
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Thanks, it looks like it will be a lot of hassle to get this Photocart transferred over. I'm looking into getting someone to help, and by the time I do I will have probably spent about enough to buy Sylist and start over. That would probably be a good thing to do anyway, I have a lot of old stuff on the website and I could just use Stylist as a website homepage instead of my old HTML. Should I just upgrade the PHP to 7 before installing Stylist?
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What should I do?
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