If your Photo Cart is suddenly getting a 500 error or only displaying a blank page then you or your hosting company has updated the PHP (programming language) to PHP 7 which Photo Cart is not compatible with (and will not be compatible with) mainly because of the removal of the my_sql functions which are replaced with my_sqli functions.
You would need to have the PHP version downgraded to 5.6 in order for Photo Cart to work. If downgrading the PHP doesn't work then you may have to update Photo Cart to the last version of 7. Download Photo Cart 7 upgrade files. Upgrade instructions.
Photo Cart was retired in 2015. Check out Sytist.
Does The Paypal Upgrade Affect Photo Cart?
As we have previously communicated to you, PayPal is upgrading the certificate for to SHA-256. This endpoint is also used by merchants using the Instant Payment Notification (IPN) product.
This upgrade is scheduled for 9/30/2015; however, we may need to change this date on short notice to you to align to the industry security standard.
You?re receiving this notification because you?ve been identified as a merchant who has used IPN endpoints within the past year. If you have not made the necessary changes, we urge you to do so right away to avoid a disruption of your service!
Because these changes are technical in nature, we advise that you consult with your individuals responsible for your PayPal integration. They will be able to identify what, if any, changes are needed. Please share this email and the hyperlinks below with your technical contact for evaluation.
Testing in the Sandbox is one of the best ways to make sure your integration works. Sandbox endpoints have been upgraded to accept secure connections by the SHA-256 Certificates.
Full technical details can be found in our Merchant Security System Upgrade Guide. In addition, our 2015-2016 SSL Certificate Change microsite contains a schedule of our service upgrade plan.
Thanks for your patience as we continue to improve our services.
I've had a look at the PayPal docs here and checked my Paypal account - I'm definitely sending ipn's back to my photocart for each paypal transaction.
So I would think the answer is yes - but not sure what to change yet....though there's only two php files that reference ipn s far as I can tell.
Well at least we've got until the end of the month to do it! Personally think Pypal have got this wrong, though I'm sure they think 2 days is enough
I've just tried using the Paypal sandbox (which you can set on using Settings|Payment|Paypal in the admin interface) which is already upgraded and it didn't return to photocart, and the order is not marked as paid. So I guess something does need to be changed - but as I said earlier, not really sure what yet.
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