
If your Photo Cart is suddenly getting a 500 error or only displaying a blank page then you or your hosting company has updated the PHP (programming language) to PHP 7 which Photo Cart is not compatible with (and will not be compatible with) mainly because of the removal of the my_sql functions which are replaced with my_sqli functions. 

You would need to have the PHP version downgraded to 5.6 in order for Photo Cart to work. If downgrading the PHP doesn't work then you may have to update Photo Cart to the last version of 7. Download Photo Cart 7 upgrade files. Upgrade instructions.

Photo Cart was retired in 2015. Check out Sytist.

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12 posts
Wed Aug 19, 15 2:00 PM CST
We recently got the following email from Is there a way for us to update to one of the new websites on our own? I'm not sure how to do this...

Akamai Network Technology

Over the coming months, Authorize.Net will be upgrading access to the Internet connections that serve our data centers. Instead of allowing direct connections, all Internet traffic will be routed through Akamai, a third-party cloud network service that routes and delivers Internet traffic.

Using Akamai network technology will help decrease latency and improve the reliability of our payment gateway. It will also help safeguard against interruptions caused by issues beyond Authorize.Net's direct control, such as Internet congestion, fiber cable cuts and other similar issues. Additionally, come October, merchants connected to Akamai should no longer be affected by planned downtimes.

Implementation Plan And Timeline

We are implementing Akamai's technology into our network in two phases.

Phase One (Now through June 2016) ? We have created three new URLs for transaction processing that are hosted by Akamai. You can update your website or payment solution to point to the new transaction URLs today, which will provide you with the immediate benefits detailed above. Come October, you should no longer be affected by planned downtimes.
Phase Two (June 2016) ? We will automatically direct all of our existing transaction processing URLs to connect through Akamai in June of 2016. After this change, all transaction URLs will connect to Authorize.Net through Akamai.
IMPORTANT: To take advantage of the uptime benefits Akamai offers, we recommend you proactively update your website or payment solution during Phase One rather than waiting to be automatically updated during Phase Two.

Updating Your Solution

The new Akamai transaction URLs that are available now are:

Please contact your web developer or solution provider for assistance in updating to one of these new Akamai URLs.
16,922 posts (admin)
Thu Aug 20, 15 6:02 AM CST
Download this file:

Unzip it to your computer and refer to the READ-ME file.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
12 posts
Thu Aug 20, 15 9:37 AM CST
Thank you, Tim!
12 posts
Thu Aug 20, 15 11:39 AM CST
I just placed an order on my own site and everything works great, but the receipt page that returns looks like a scrambled version of my Photo Cart Site. There are several links to Shopping Cart, Check out, Home, Enter Access Code, Redeem print Credit, Help, My Favorites, a button that reads "Click here to continue", and a "log In" link. The formatting shoves them all far right or far left.

the URL is:

same as the payment form URL, but once payment is made, it shows payment in the middle of the screen and all those other confusing links

How can I edit that receipt page to remove all those confusing links?

BTW, I can't remember what this page ever looked like before...but I'd love to only see a confirmed payment with just a "Home" link here and nothing else.
16,922 posts (admin)
Fri Aug 21, 15 7:08 AM CST
Can you post a screen shot of what it looks like?
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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12 posts
Sat Sep 05, 15 7:00 PM CST
It was actually a receipt landing page our web developer created for us that took elements from our PC site. I'll get him to fix the formatting.

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