If your Photo Cart is suddenly getting a 500 error or only displaying a blank page then you or your hosting company has updated the PHP (programming language) to PHP 7 which Photo Cart is not compatible with (and will not be compatible with) mainly because of the removal of the my_sql functions which are replaced with my_sqli functions.
You would need to have the PHP version downgraded to 5.6 in order for Photo Cart to work. If downgrading the PHP doesn't work then you may have to update Photo Cart to the last version of 7. Download Photo Cart 7 upgrade files. Upgrade instructions.
Photo Cart was retired in 2015. Check out Sytist.
Curl Error: Nss: Client Certificate Not Found: _paypal_cert_key.txt
I moved my site to a new machine. Everything works fine, except this. All databases, SSL certificate, wordpress, etc.
I read the two other threads about this and tried the solutions there, specifically:
> I am using version 7.1.0
> I have the same API credentials on Paypal, nothing changed, I have not modified or revoked the cert
> I have a current Paypal Payments Pro account
> The file didn't change on move, was same one i've been using for 5 years and 2 other hosting moves
> I re-downloaded and uploaded it via FTP to make sure. Viewing the file, it had the full RSA PRIVATE KEY and CERTIFICATE sections
> I've tried both 755 and 644 permissions
> I tried without any .htaccess file
> You can see it's there
Is there anything else server side I should check? Any environment variables or settings? I am running the latest CentOS 6 64-bit version with Webmin/Virtualmin. The server is a Core i5 with 8GB ram and my photocart domain is the only thing on the server.
My Email Address:
/payment/functions.php line 343
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLCERT, $cert_url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLCERT, "./".$cert_url);

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