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New Update Available - 0.7.6 With New Stuff

16,793 posts (admin)
Wed May 07, 14 8:52 AM CST
Just posted a new update with with some cool new stuff. Actually the change log is quite long, but here are some highlights.

Here is a link to the change log with the complete list of changes:

And how to upgrade:

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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156 posts
Wed May 07, 14 8:46 PM CST
Getting this error when I try to add to my Product Base:

"MYSQL ERROR: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'pp_type='print'' at line 22

Query: INSERT INTO ms_photo_products SET pp_name='Tri-fold Card', pp_internal_name='', pp_price='63', pp_descr='', pp_width='5x5', pp_height='', pp_cost='', pp_download_dem='', pp_taxable='', pp_free='', pp_free_watermark='', pp_free_limit='', pp_free_req_login='', pp_free_logo='', pp_add_ship='', pp_no_discount='', pp_no_ship='', pp_collapse_options='1', pp_include_download='' pp_type='print'"
Attached Photos

16,793 posts (admin)
Thu May 08, 14 4:17 AM CST
Re-download the files and upload the upgrade files again and it will fix it. I re-uploaded the files about 4: AM CST with a fix for that. Note you won't see a version change.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
532 posts
Thu May 08, 14 11:30 AM CST
Exciting - I love the update and the new options with downloads. Thanks!
Michael Leenheer   || My Sytist:
74 posts
Wed May 14, 14 6:38 PM CST
Tim since the new update I cannot see my images after the upload process.
It's as if they have not uploaded at all.
Can you help?
16,793 posts (admin)
Thu May 15, 14 9:52 AM CST
How are you uploading? FTP and process or through the upload in the admin?

If the upload in the admin, send me an email so I can send you a file to upload. I suspect exif is not enabled with the PHP which is causing an error.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
74 posts
Sat May 17, 14 4:21 PM CST
FYI. My problem was solved by adjusting this file on the server

"increased max_execution_time to 300 in .htaccess"
127 posts
Sun May 18, 14 2:11 PM CST
Hi Tim

Was the disregard of upper and lower case for access codes done in the last update or is it still on your list?

16,793 posts (admin)
Mon May 19, 14 5:53 AM CST
It was done in this update.

Made page password not case sensitive and trim extra spaces when entered.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
127 posts
Mon May 19, 14 6:47 AM CST
Perfect - Thank you Tim!!
11 total messages
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